Main Features
Many experienced simulation engineers prefer xMOD* because of its ease of use and its flexibility. xMOD* provides a heterogeneous model integration environment for models built by different persons using different languages and tools and working within different entities.xMOD* allows to exploit the forces of each modeling and simulation tool (modeling language or environment suitability with an engineering field, solvers efficiency, language expressiveness, modeler proficiency, existence of adapted libraries...). Simulation models can be imported from different tools and languages such as Matlab/Simulink, LMS Imagine.Lab AMESim, GT-SUITE, Dymola, Flowmaster, AVL CRUISE, C or C++ native code... xMOD* can also import models from more than 15 tools compliant with the FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface) standard.
xMOD* is a simulation platform that adapts its interface to each engineering field: to be an expert in modeling is no longer necessary to run simulations! The graphical user interface allows you to import your models and use your instruments by Drag'n'Drop. xMOD* allows creating virtual dashboards, containing virtual instruments, which are linked to the different model parameters or signals that have to be displayed. The xMOD* Editor highlight is the ease of use during development and deployment.
Inside of xMOD* you find highly optimized algorithms and advanced synchronization techniques based on Multi-threading and Multi-core processing. This allows xMOD* to execute models embedding different solvers at different step-times on multi-core architectures. xMOD* provides several execution modes (as fast as possible, expanded and real-time). You can split your models in sub-models and speed up your simulations (up to one order of magnitude) to reach real-time capabilities.
SUPPORT FOR STANDARDS xMOD™ also supports the FMI (Functional Mock-up Interface standard). You can now use your FMU models in xMOD™ with other heterogeneous models. xMOD™ currently supports FMI-for-Model Exchange and FMI-for-Co-Simulation in both 1.0 and 2.0 versions. IFPEN contributed to the development of the FMI standard and is among the founding members of the Steering Committee of the Modelica Association Project for FMI.xMOD* also supports the CAN and XCP standards to communicate with external hardware. | PROTECT YOUR KNOW-HOW When a model is converted to xMOD* import format, two files are generated:a model interface description file in xml (whose content may be customized)a dynamic link library, which is compiled directly from C code.This provides a good level of model details protection. The xMOD* target allows specifying exactly the signals and the parameters that have be included in the model interface and made accessible during model exploitation and co-simulation. With xMOD*, you can share your models with confidence. |